Tuesday 19 September 2017

Reflection 2017

Goal Setting Term 3 Week 8
Friday 15 September 2017
My Reflection

This week my teacher was away at AIMs and we had a releaver.
I did my normal thing like doing maths in the morning till second period bell rings then i move onto reading.
For maths on the first day of the week, i did angles and was not that sure on how to work with a protractor but i got help from a friend. I finished my maths work and marked it.
The second day was the same and i enjoyed it. Listening to music while doing maths. Did alot of reading and writing. Can’t really remember the other few days after that but i do remember doing a 50 word story. Today i enjoyed doing maths buddy. Wasn’t good at it at, but i got a few tasks done and dusted. Then i went to music and learnt how to read music notes. Ms Christianson was really caring and helped me after my music. I liked this weeks music lesson. In the middle block i did my science badge work. I haven’t done any activities but i am planning to make a forensic board game. I liked doing it, it was very interesting learning about all the different roles and everything.

My goal this week and for next week which is week 9 is to do a bit more on my Science badge and hopefuly do some activities and find more infomation for it.

This week i have enjoyed alot and hope for a better week next week.
That was an awesome week!

Thursday 14 September 2017

50 word story

This is suppose to be a 50 word story but the first one isn't one but the second one is.
Hope you enjoy!

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice and that is what little girls are made of.
Be what mother goose's nursery rhyme says. Be and do, be a angle and fall to feathers. Do what any angle will do. Wrap yourself in pretty pink ribbion and never come out. Just let the world forget you exist, and tarnish your mind black and wait for it to set. Forget about everyone, anyone…… anything and everthing.

Blind light resting on my left hand. Try to grasp it but can’t. Wish i could. On the ground with chains tangled to my feet.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Matahiwi recount writing:

We waited about a hour for a spare bus to pick up the rest of the classes which were room1, 7 and a bit of room 5.
The ride there was that of any normal bus ride. I sat with my friends from room 1. I was sick that day so i wore a jersy the whole day. I brought my own jersy but it was black and it wasn’t a school one so i had to wear a school jersy. It got hot pretty quickly but later on it cooled down.

First was the powhiri
We walked in a line and there were three singers at the front and everyone behind them.
We all sat down in this little house thing. We listened to these three people, a lady and 2 men.
They first talked in moari then in english. One of the sayings that they said was to never drag your feet. Then after that we stood up and sang our school song and sat down as the kapa haka did their thing.

After that we were seperated into 3 groups.
1 with room 18
2 with rooms 7 and 5
Rooms 16, 15 and 17 were together.

My class group,  we the first to go in the wharanui. I think it was the eating area.
The lady, i think her name was whaia luvy or something told us the stories that all the painting and weavy things and what they meant. It was interesting in a way. Some people thought that it was kind of oring but i liked it. Better than staying at school.

That lasted for a few minutes. Then we went off to another spot and sat down. We were being talked to by a man called Matua Tom. He was nice and old. I like old people because they are
cute. He talked about the marae and why it was green and what the carving symbolised, saying that green was chosen for growth. Because the place was surounded by green. He said thatv it was built in 1976. It was a good talk but wish i could of sat in the sun instead of the shade.
The last activity was when we went into the marae. A man called matua john was telling us about the marae and what it was for and about the things in it. There wasthe spinal cord wgich held the whole thing together. The carpet in the marae  was very soft. It was awesome!
When that ended we all went outside and sat down. The kapa haka did their thing again and we left saying good bye to the host people.
We walked out of the gate and hopped into the bus to school.
The day was not fun for many but i thought it was fine and it was far better than going to school.

Te reo

Just posting this onto my blog. Not done with it.

Whare Tapu Wha -

Te Taha Wairua-
Te Taha Hinengaro-
Te Taha Tinana-
Te Taha Whanau-

Find out waht this is:
Tekoteko- the head of the marae, the head thing
Koruru- close to the game knuckle bones
Heke- fall, drop, get off
Raparapa- to split open
Tahuhu- the ridge part of the house
Whatitoka- the doorway
Roro- front of the meeting house
Pare-  carved part of a door

Maihi- bargeboards that are covered in patterns

Tuesday 22 August 2017

My Mihi Thing

Tihei Mauri Ora
Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Ko te RongoKako te maunga                         
Ko Tuki Tuki  te awa                             
Ko Reegan ahau
Ko Hamish toku matua
Ko Eve toku mama
Ko Reegan Pogai toku ingoa
Ko Pogai toku ingoa whanau
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Website Infomation

Write in both the website and the information / answer you find.  Use websites from different pages  

Statement / question
Website one
Website two
Website 3
More info and websites  
How far is the moon from the earth?

Website one says that it is 384, 400 Km
Away from the earth
The second website says the same thing
Most sites are looking up to NASA
The third website says the same thing
Most sites are looking up to NASA

Name of the oldest person who ever lived

Jeanne Calment, French lady
Who is said to lived for 122 years and 164 days
And meet vincent van gogh when she was 12 or 13.
Some records show original proof that a japanese woman lived for 115 years and is called Misao Okawa
One other site shows a list of the oldest people
The second person to live the longest life was a woman from the united states called Sarah Knauss who lived for 119 years and 97 days.

How many elephants are left in the world today?

There is a fair estimate that there is 450, 000 - 700, 000 african elephants and 35, 000 - 40, 000 asian elphants left in the world.
Second website says the same thing as before but with different discription
Same as befre

How old is the earth?

Google says that the earth is about 4.543 billion years old

The Brain

THE BRAIN!!!!!!!

The brain is the boss of your body and is the holder of billions of nerve cells arranged into a certain pattern so that you can think, feel emotion, feel pain and temperature, movement and sensation, and behavior.
The brain stem sits beneath the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum in the head. The brain connects to the spinal cord so that you can make movements and do things. The brains cell are what you call neurons that make up the brains gray matter.
The brain is divided into different parts/ hemispheres. Connected by nerve fibres called corpus callosum. It is simple, the right side of the brain controls all the muscles on the right side of the body and the left controls the muscles on left side of the body.

The Cerebrum is divided into four lobes, frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. The cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain.  

The cardiovascular system!


Body System
What can go wrong?
Looking after your system
Cardiovascular System.

Anemia. Is a condition when your blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells or what is call hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells and is what binds oxygen to it. If you have unhealthy red blood cells or your hemoglobin is low, the cells in your body won’t get enough oxygen. Anemia is the most common blood condition in many countries. It doesn’t matter what gender, age or race, because it affects everyone equally if you do get it.

What is the cardiovascular system?

The Cardiovascular system is made up of blood, blood cells and the heart and vessels. This system has three main functions

     The best way to avoid or help prevent this on continuing to happen or help stop it is to :
Eat healthy food, such as food with lots of vitamins, protein and iron.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Random Post By Me

Just making a quick blog of this.

Things have been enjoyable, a good start of the week.

Been doing Mathletics and cross country practise, don't really mind it. Doing a lot of reading and drawing.

Been spending time with the exchange students, have one in my class called Cathy. She's crazy smart and really fun to talk to. I spending time with 2 other ones in Nepia called Nancy and Emma. they're both really funny and good to talk to also.

Last week i did Japanese, it was a bit easy. Because i've been learning Japanese for almost a year and a bit now. But i still enjoy doing it.

It's only Tuesday and it's already fun and everything.

JYA MATA! - See you later!
Weekly reflection

This week was fun because we got to draw lego people and i drew these 2 people, wonder woman and this random miming guy.

We also got to have miss lovatt as our teacher on thursday and friday. and we didn't have to go to assembly which was the G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing i have learned this week was at maths time when i was doing fractions and i learnt this new method from miss fisher.

what i need to practise is doing fraction work.

         This was an awesome week and it was fun and funky.
         Ladars Reegan Pogai ( say poong and then i and then put it together and taddaaa! there u go u can say my last name)

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Te Reo, Face and Features.

Ngā wahanga o te
Mahunga me te kanohi

Sorry, blog was playing up that i had to move the words and meanings to the bottom.

Anei tōku ____ here is my…….

Anei ōku _____ here are my……

Anei tōku _____ me ōku ____















Random post, that teacher told me to post

This is one of my quick writes. Hope you enjoy it!

I was walking around the corner to the bakery, i stop dead in my tracks. I turn my head and notice a horse standing on 2 legs!!!!!
It turned its head the same time that mine did.
It said “ my my what do we have here?”
It wore a top hat and leotards and leg warmers.
I just stood there staring at the thing
“ Excuse my ma’am but do you mind stepping aside for a moment? i'm on my daily jog
I scoot to the side.
“ Thank you so much ma’am, do join me for a cup of tea sometime ok?”
I nod
“ Bye  bye now hope to see you soon “
It turns then sees my face.
It says “ My apologies  ma’am have I scared you with my appearance? I know this get up is disturbing but i don’t fancy jogging in a suit……. Please say something it is not ladylike to not respond to a gentlemen's apologies”
Then everything turned blank.

I thought my quick write was a bit short for my blog, so i added on my persuasive writing. Not done with it thought. Sorry if there is any errors, feel free to correct me.

Peoples thoughts on running is very common.
Not everyone has a liking to do running but It helps prevent you from getting diseases of different types, such as Diabetes. Diabetes is caused by lack of exercise and of the food you eat and what is in it. One of the causes of Diabetes is what you call type 2 diabetes.What it is is what you also call Insulin resistance. It is when you can’t use insulin inside you body as well as you should. It is increasingly common. Because these days the new generation is mostly unfit and make very bad food choices.
Not only can running help prevent Diabetes but it helps your heart in the best of ways.
The heart is a muscle. Like all muscles, it need exercise. It needs to adapt and develop smoothly and exercise is like a medicine of types for the heart to do that. It strengthens and improves it so that when you breath in oxygen your heart can pump it around the body fast and easy to also strengthen your lungs.Which, leads to a good and healthy body.

Now. If you have a high blood pressure then it is because of being inactive. So being active will reduce your blood pressure to a reasonable rate.
But. When you go for a run, jog or some type of activity you will notice your blood pressure to rise, but only for a short time, and once you stop, for some reason for a breather, your blood pressure will shorten and lower down to it’s normal state. The quicker it goes down the fitter you are.
Doing running can also help prevent you from being obese. Like in my statement before, people are making bad choices of food and don’t do regular exercise. Being overweight, lazy and moody. The best way for obese people to exercise without hurting themselves is to start off slow like doing simple stretches then building themselves up into more intense workouts. When you decide to do workouts you need a good variety of foods. To lose weight, you need food with lots of healthy vitamins, iron, protein,and lots of minerals.
Not only does running stop all these things from happening it also lifts the mood. Makes you feel more happier and more lively and stops blood clotting.
Probably the best way to help you from getting  blood clots is to do physical education. Stretches is good but to help resolve them quickly is to do regular running.

Hoped you liked it.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Tech Challenge

Yesterday we did a Tech challenge.
The materials that we had to use was 20 pieces of ice block sticks to make a self supporting bridge with the span of 25 cm gap. That would hold a quarter filled water bottle with the weight of 500g.

The trick my group used was weave the sticks together to make the sticks stick together. The word that would describe it would be Tension.
Making the bridge was hard at first. My idea was to weave them together. Took my group awhile to listen. Near the end we were panicking because if we had maybe 2 more minutes then we could weave the last stick then the bridge would be done. When it was time to hop on the mat Mr Bernie gave us this long as talk. After that we moved on to our bridge and put on a empty water bottle. We were glad that it supported the weight then Mr bernie filled it quater way then one he placed it on the bridge. It stood stable for maybe a second then it broke 2 thirds the way and fell. But the pieces that fell were still in its shape. Luckily we won though.

Sorry forgot to insert an image!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Tech challenge

Thursday 29 March 2017

Today after lunch we had a tech challenge. We had to imagine that we were hostages and that we had to deliver a message 7m without leaving the building. We had to make it out of paper, a balloon, dowel wood and paper clips. We came second! Brianna, Renee Amy and me. It was all goods.

Friday 10 March 2017

My camp letter 

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Room 5

Dear Mrs Kinloch - Jones

Thank you so much for everything that you have done.To me to camp was a success. The activities were very fun and challenging.

At camp my favourite activity was the soft archery. It was great watching the adults doing the archery too. THe weather there was perfect especially when reading a book.
The camp was well planned and thoroughly thought out. My second favourite activity was the water slide. Going up then racing down.

Once again thank you Mrs Kinloch - Jones . Hope you enjoyed the camp as much as I did.

Yours Sincerely: Reegan

My Best Writing This Year!!!!
( but sorry its not finished )

On the way to school on my right side my friend Gabriel Tab-low blabs knows about god know what. “ bla bla farting rabbits bla bla bla “ Gabriel says seriously …… well I think that's what he says. I nudge him in the ribs with the point of my elbow but I miss and instead hit his stomach. We both double over with laughter.
“ So what were you saying about “farting rabbits”  again? “  I say between giggles.
“ What are you talking about?” Gabriel says in the same condition as me in a strong husky american accent
“ shoot sorry I wasn’t listening again my fault “
“ That again? Do you have something on your mind? Gab asked
I look down and spot a line of ants leading into a crack in the concret.
I look up “ Nothing too important just thinking about how Mums doing you know? Since i'm not there anymore”

My name is Natalie Potter, Im 17, live in New York with my Dad Adrian and just moved in, Walking with my neighbour Gabriel but normally call him Gab, got shoulder length dark brown hair and am 5 foot 3.

We cross the park and jog to the side to avoid getting sprayed on by the sprinklers.
I try to change the subject “ So how did you do in the rain at practise?”

“ Not too bad it was just spitting but my opponent slipped over and gashed his knee”