Tuesday 22 August 2017

Website Infomation

Write in both the website and the information / answer you find.  Use websites from different pages  

Statement / question
Website one
Website two
Website 3
More info and websites  
How far is the moon from the earth?

Website one says that it is 384, 400 Km
Away from the earth
The second website says the same thing
Most sites are looking up to NASA
The third website says the same thing
Most sites are looking up to NASA

Name of the oldest person who ever lived

Jeanne Calment, French lady
Who is said to lived for 122 years and 164 days
And meet vincent van gogh when she was 12 or 13.
Some records show original proof that a japanese woman lived for 115 years and is called Misao Okawa
One other site shows a list of the oldest people
The second person to live the longest life was a woman from the united states called Sarah Knauss who lived for 119 years and 97 days.

How many elephants are left in the world today?

There is a fair estimate that there is 450, 000 - 700, 000 african elephants and 35, 000 - 40, 000 asian elphants left in the world.
Second website says the same thing as before but with different discription
Same as befre

How old is the earth?

Google says that the earth is about 4.543 billion years old

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