Thursday 30 March 2017

Tech challenge

Thursday 29 March 2017

Today after lunch we had a tech challenge. We had to imagine that we were hostages and that we had to deliver a message 7m without leaving the building. We had to make it out of paper, a balloon, dowel wood and paper clips. We came second! Brianna, Renee Amy and me. It was all goods.

Friday 10 March 2017

My camp letter 

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Room 5

Dear Mrs Kinloch - Jones

Thank you so much for everything that you have done.To me to camp was a success. The activities were very fun and challenging.

At camp my favourite activity was the soft archery. It was great watching the adults doing the archery too. THe weather there was perfect especially when reading a book.
The camp was well planned and thoroughly thought out. My second favourite activity was the water slide. Going up then racing down.

Once again thank you Mrs Kinloch - Jones . Hope you enjoyed the camp as much as I did.

Yours Sincerely: Reegan

My Best Writing This Year!!!!
( but sorry its not finished )

On the way to school on my right side my friend Gabriel Tab-low blabs knows about god know what. “ bla bla farting rabbits bla bla bla “ Gabriel says seriously …… well I think that's what he says. I nudge him in the ribs with the point of my elbow but I miss and instead hit his stomach. We both double over with laughter.
“ So what were you saying about “farting rabbits”  again? “  I say between giggles.
“ What are you talking about?” Gabriel says in the same condition as me in a strong husky american accent
“ shoot sorry I wasn’t listening again my fault “
“ That again? Do you have something on your mind? Gab asked
I look down and spot a line of ants leading into a crack in the concret.
I look up “ Nothing too important just thinking about how Mums doing you know? Since i'm not there anymore”

My name is Natalie Potter, Im 17, live in New York with my Dad Adrian and just moved in, Walking with my neighbour Gabriel but normally call him Gab, got shoulder length dark brown hair and am 5 foot 3.

We cross the park and jog to the side to avoid getting sprayed on by the sprinklers.
I try to change the subject “ So how did you do in the rain at practise?”

“ Not too bad it was just spitting but my opponent slipped over and gashed his knee”